Sunday, 26 April 2015

Welcome to the Alvarak system.

We've been planning this campaign for nigh on two years now. Sunday 3rd of May 2015 we finally begin. Woop!

Arthur kindly had an amazing system map commissioned for us and it seems only right to start with it:
Made by it's a thing of awe inspiring beauty. Their web address if you fancy checking them out is at:
My overview shot was a blurry mess so will add one later.  Here is a video of some of the making of this project. It's really very impressive and you can see how some of the board tiles light up and some pro brush control!

Here comes the image spam! Each of these will get a separate post with background, rules and a terrain list.

Alvarak Prime





Epsilon 0111010001011010001010010100010010010010001111001010010010100110
Or E0111 for short.


Pyrea "Roads"


There are also three system features that we may throw in if possible. The hulks could make for some zone mortalis. Asteroids? Who knows!

Hulk "The Spawn of Tyamat"

Hulk "Damnations call"

Asteroid Belt Designation 413 "Trader's Peril"

As posts of army lists and planet rules come in I will post them up as the different phases for escalation of the campaign and we can vet and potentially veto anything that seems out of place in powerlevel. Also any suggestions for rules or terrain that we're lacking would be great.

Cheers, Chris.

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